Introduction to Photoshop: fruit bowls

 1) Save your fruit bowl as a JPEG image in Photoshop - remember to save it in your own folder on the Media Shared drive in the Student folder. To save as a JPEG image, go to 'Save a Copy' and then use the drop-down menu for 'File type' and choose JPEG.

2) Post your fruit bowl (or fruit bowls if you did more than one) to your blog by clicking the 'add image' icon and locating the correct JPEG image from your folder on Media Shared.

3) Write a short explanation of the colour palette you used and the effect you were trying to create when designing your fruit bowl.
I used a winter palette which consists a mixture of pale colours as well as dark colours to make it look almost frozen.

I used an image of the universe which consisted a variety of cold and warm colours. the use of dark colours makes the fruits pop out more.

I Used an image that consisted a variety of different colours so that it'd look colourful and less dull as well as mixing blank colours to make it pop a bit rather than blending it all together.


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